‘Adolescence’ The Netflix Series – What Does it Tell Us and How Can We Respond?

“Adolescence” The Netflix Series is undoubtedly an amazing piece of drama – but what does...

SFE in the News – Listings

The work and achievements of Services For Education are frequently featured in the media. For...

RSHE – What Has Happened to the Momentum for Change?

Towards the end of the previous government’s tenure, a draft version of updated R(S)HE guidance...

How to Request Information from a GP to Best Safeguard a Child

As a DSL, there’s nothing more frustrating than having that niggling feeling that something really...

SFE Partners with CPOMS – Trusted Software Provider (Safeguarding, Wellbeing & Pastoral)

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. No matter the role you play in education, whether you’re at...

Why is Parent Communication and Collaboration Essential for Effective Safeguarding?

Parents play a vital role in protecting children, but without understanding the importance of collaboration...

What’s New? The Safest Start: A Parent Information Guide & Summer Term Training Courses

Welcome Back! We hope you enjoyed a lovely festive break and are ready for a...

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing as a Priority: What does this mean for schools and education settings?

We all know that for children to thrive, to reach their full potential, and be...

SFE Secure £3,000 Unrestricted Donation from The Barratt Foundation

Back in September, our Fundraising Manager Sarah took a call from Amanda, the Community Champion...

Human Rights and Safeguarding

Discover the impact of United Nations Human Rights Day and how the values documented in...

Page Last Modified:  07/03/2025 10:03