‘Adolescence’ The Netflix Series – What Does it Tell Us and How Can We Respond?
“Adolescence” The Netflix Series is undoubtedly an amazing piece of drama – but what does it tell...
Advice For Schools
RSHE – What Has Happened to the Momentum for Change?
Towards the end of the previous government’s tenure, a draft version of updated R(S)HE guidance came out....
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
How to Request Information from a GP to Best Safeguard a Child
As a DSL, there’s nothing more frustrating than having that niggling feeling that something really isn’t safe...
Safeguarding SG Newsletter Exclusive
Why is Parent Communication and Collaboration Essential for Effective Safeguarding?
Parents play a vital role in protecting children, but without understanding the importance of collaboration and communication...
Advice For Schools Mental Health
Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing as a Priority: What does this mean for schools and education settings?
We all know that for children to thrive, to reach their full potential, and be the best...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? SFE Conferences & Spring Term Training Courses
Welcome Back! We hope you enjoyed a fantastic half-term and are ready for a successful second half...
Advice For Schools
Ofsted Mathematics subject report – 18 months on, have things changed?
It’s around 18 months since Ofsted published their in depth review of maths provision. This considered a...
Advice For Schools
The Writing Learning Journey
With our upcoming Online Writing Conference on the horizon and writing still struggling to attain pre-pandemic KS2...
Advice For Schools News Partners Success Stories
More than just training delivery – how SFE collaborates with other agencies to aim to eradicate harmful practices
Sometimes people ask me “as an Education Adviser, apart from delivering training what else fills your time?”....
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and our brand new Advantage Programme
Welcome Back! We hope you enjoyed a fantastic summer break and are ready for a productive and...
Charity Music
SFE Ensembles T-Shirts & Hoodies Now Available
We are excited to announce we now have a range of SFE Ensembles hoodies and t-shirts available...
Advice For Schools Mental Health
Body Image and Self-Esteem – How Can We Support Young People When We Don’t Always Feel Good About Ourselves?
This blog will look at current issues around body image and self-esteem and the significant impact this...
A Spectacular Display of Young Talent: Services For Education’s Youth Proms 2024
Services For Education’s Deputy Head of Music Service, Head of Ensembles and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Charlotte Buxton,...
The New Draft RSHE Statutory Guidance – What are the likely implications for your School Curriculum and Pupils?
Have you ever waited patiently for a Christmas or birthday gift, and despite the fact you’ve dropped...
Advice For Schools
Let’s get deep and meaningful… about RE…
A response to the latest Ofsted subject report on RE On 17th April 2024 Ofsted published its...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Summer Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools
It’s the Summer term! So that means time to start prepping for September… We all know that...
Supporting Children with a Parent in Prison
The National Information Centre of Children of Offenders (NICCO) estimate that 310,000 children every year have a...
Safeguarding and Attendance Data – What Does New Research Tell Us?
You can’t seem to go a day without seeing an article in mainstream newspapers, not just the...
Advice For Schools
Telling the Story – Our Response to the Recent Ofsted English Report
Here’s an important overview of the latest Ofsted English report and what your school must consider to...
Parental Separation and Divorce – How Can We Best Support Children at the Centre?
Safeguarding Adviser Lucie Welch discusses the impact parental separation and divorce can have on children, and what...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Safeguarding Issues in the News – Downplaying Abuse and Neglect
Downplaying Abuse and Neglect – If we call lots of things “abuse,” do we downplay the concept...
Child Abduction & Community Safety Incident – What Could They Look Like in Your Setting?
Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 mentions Child Abduction and Community Safety Incidents as...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Safeguarding Issues in the News – Channel 4’s ‘I am Andrew Tate’ and How it Relates to Your Setting
Both teachers and students will likely have heard of Andrew Tate, along with his rise and subsequent...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Tricky Safeguarding Topics and How to Tackle Them
Even as a DSL, it’s ok to admit that there are topics we don’t feel as comfortable...
Advice For Schools News
Cookathon 2024 – Encourage a healthy approach to food and nutrition with SFE, Mondelez International and a very special guest!
In partnership with Mondelez International, we’re delighted to share that our Health for Life Cookathon will be...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Spring Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools
Happy New Year! Let’s make 2024 the best yet! A whole new year means a whole new...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 – what might it mean for us?
SFE Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the main updates to Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, and...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Addressing the Silent Crisis: Children Missing in Education
SFE Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses children missing in education and the safeguarding risks presented, whether these are...
Advice For Parents Charity News
Big Give Update
At the end of November, Services For Education took part in our very first Big Give #ChristmasChallenge,...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools
Encouraging a Sustainable, Proactive Approach to Healthy Eating Within Your School
With our Cookathon fast approaching, Education Adviser and Health for Life lead, Helen Grundy, shares her top tips...
Advice For Schools
Skills for Life: How to Develop a Reading Culture in Schools
Discover how to develop a reading culture in schools to help build a positive community, improve vocabulary...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Emotional Abuse – Supporting Victims and Spotting the Signs
Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses the signs of emotional abuse, the impacts, and how to support children...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools Charity Music News
SFE’s Magical Music Moments of 2023
The festive season has once again arrived and we’re reaching that wonderful time of year where we...
Advice For Schools Leadership
NPQs: A Guide to Choosing the Right School Leadership Programme for You
Leadership-led education helps develop schools and sustain standards. Explore what NPQs are available to help progress teachers’...
Forced Marriage: Spotting The Signs
Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the changes in law regarding marriage in the UK, providing an overview...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
How Do We Measure Success in Safeguarding – Qualitative and Quantitative?
Jo Perrin has written this blog to get you thinking about the types of data we hold...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
eCrime: How Teachers Can Combat Cyberbullying
With the rise of cyberbullying, we explore its definition and provide some practical advice on what teachers...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Updates to Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook
Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, Provides an Overview of the Key Changes to the School Inspections Handbook, in...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Supporting Children Experiencing Bereavement
SFE Safeguarding Adviser and Emotional Health Expert, Lucie Welch, shares some of the key ways to support...
Advice For Schools News Press Release
“Think beyond phonics,” says education adviser for English
A former Deputy Head Teacher is encouraging primary school teachers to “think beyond phonics” and to consider...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools News
Israel-Palestine: Educating During a Crisis
SFE Religious Education Adviser Dr Simone Whitehouse-James Responds to the Current Crisis in Israel/Palestine, Sharing Key Messages...
Advice For Schools Music
Striking the Right Note: Key Talking Points from Ofsted’s Music Subject Report
Helen Brookes provides a vital overview of the main points and thoughts of Ofsted’s music subject report...
Advice For Schools
The Writing Learning Journey: Key Elements of an Effective Writing Curriculum
With writing being one of the most hard-hit areas post-pandemic, English Adviser, Emma Mudge, has been investigating...
Advice For Schools
The Reading Framework 2023 Summary
Discover the key points from the Department for Education (DfE) Reading Framework 2023 to ensure your primary...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools
Welcome Back! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are raring to go for the term...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
How to Make this Your Best Year for Safeguarding Yet
Safeguarding adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses how to hit the ground running this September with regards to safeguarding....
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Supporting Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse
SFE Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses domestic abuse, its effects on children and how to support children...
Youth Proms 2023 – Talent, Passion & Determination
75 school-based ensembles featuring 2000 pupils, 22 central ensembles with 1000 children and a primary gala choir...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Poverty or Neglect? Understanding The Signs
SFE Safeguarding Education Adviser, Lucie Welch, has created a free resource for schools discussing the difference between...
Advice For Schools News Safeguarding
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Updates
You’re likely aware that The Department For Education has recently released the draft of its new statutory...
Succession Planning in Safeguarding – is it possible?
Safeguarding expert, Jo Perrin, discusses Succession Planning and how to mitigate any negative impacts of a member...
Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia – are we as “anti” as we would like to be?
In this blog, Jo Perrin delves into Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, alongside what we need to notice...
Advice For Schools Charity Music News
Why is Music Important in Schools and What Can You Do to Prioritise it?
Discover why music education in schools is important under the National Plan for Music Education, with benefits...
Advice For Schools
Mental Health, Trauma and Toxic Stress – How Can We Support Our Children?
Education Adviser, Lucie Welch, shares the significant impact of trauma on children’s development and mental health and...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Top 10 Tips for Teacher Stress
It’s no secret that stress and anxiety amongst teachers in the UK is a prominent and growing...
Academic Stress and How Schools Can Support Pupils
SFE Adviser Marsha Blissett discusses academic stress and how school staff can help to prevent and combat...
Advice For Schools News
Exciting Opportunity for Primary Schools: Take Part in a 1stClass@Number Research Project
Our interventions team are delighted to be facilitating the intervention training for the further EEF evaluation of...
Advice For Parents
11 Activities To Do With Children In Birmingham, This Easter
I don’t know about you… but Easter has crept up pretty quickly on me this year! And...
Advice For Schools
8 Teacher Training Application Tips
Our Fantastic SCITT Leader, Lucie Welch, Shares Her Top Tips For Those Applying For Initial Teacher Training...
Child Exploitation – A Reminder that it Could be Anywhere and Involve Anyone
What is child exploitation? In this blog, SFE Adviser Jo Perrin discusses the definition and features of...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools
6 Fun Science Activities To Do With Kids In Birmingham
Searching for the perfect educational day out? Then look no further. Our list of family-friendly science activities...
Advice For Schools Music
The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education
Deputy Head of Music Service at Services For Education, Adam Hickman, provides a summary of the refreshed...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Language, Disconnect and Safeguarding Culture
Jo Perrin, Safeguarding Adviser at Services For Education, discusses the impact of language on FGM education, with...
Advice For Schools
The Importance of Vocabulary Acquisition in Primary Schools
Explore the nature of vocabulary acquisition in a post-pandemic world, why it’s important to a child’s development...
Advice For Schools
A Personal and Professional Look into Your ECT Induction
Services For Education Advisers, Simone Whitehouse-James and Helen Grundy provide a complete ECT induction guide for the...
Music News
Come Together Everybody – A Song Project supported by the Lunar Society
SFE is pleased to share this original song, Come Together Everybody, inspired by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Spring Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools
Happy New Year! Here’s to a brilliant 2023. At Services For Education, the Spring Term is bursting...
Advice For Schools
The New Agreed Syllabus For Religious Education
Religious Education adviser Simone Whitehouse-James, from Services For Education, played an instrumental role in the creation of...
Advice For Schools
Improving Pupil Progress Using Assessment
With the evolution of digital learning and the ever-changing demands of the education system, discover the current...
Advice For Schools
Testing in a Testing Time
After two years with no testing for schools, there have been many changes following the coronavirus pandemic....
Advice For Schools News Partners
FGM Education and Language Study For Secondary Schools – We Need Your Input
Services For Education are conducting a new study in partnership with University of Birmingham and BAFGM, aiming...
Advice For Schools News
Access Arrangements – Levelling the Playing Field
It is the responsibility of every School and college to ensure that all students have equal opportunity...
Advice For Schools
How Can Primary Schools Better Support Student Health?
Discover why improving health education in primary schools is important and some actionable tips to ensure you...
Advice For Schools News What's New
What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools
Welcome to the new academic year! At Services for Education, our School Support is growing, and we...
Advice For Schools
The Importance of Religious Education (RE) in a School’s Curriculum
Discover the new 2022/23 locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Birmingham and why it is important...
Advice For Schools
Why Teaching Resilience is Critical to Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools
Discover why building children’s resilience can play a crucial role in improving the state of social and...
Advice For Schools
Managing Anxiety in Children and Also Young People
Anxiety in children and young people is a growing concern for schools and colleges across the UK....
Advice For Schools
5 Benefits of Digital Learning for Teachers
Digital learning is changing the way students learn and teachers teach. Discover why it is important and...
Coercive Control in Teen Relationships
When can love’s young dream become a nightmare? Preparing children for positive personal relationships and keeping themselves...
Advice For Schools Meet the Team
How Music Education Needs to Evolve in the Post-Pandemic Era
As we plan for a life beyond the pandemic, what does the future of music education hold...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
Addressing Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Education
With sexual abuse in schools creating a myriad of challenges, Independent Consultant and Trainer of KLM Consultancy,...
Advice For Schools
The Latest Teacher Assessment Updates for 2021/22
Make sure your school and teaching colleagues stay aligned with the latest teacher assessment updates for the...
Advice For Schools
Key Changes to Ofsted Inspections from September 2021
Before your next Ofsted inspection, make sure you and your colleagues read this summary of changes to...
Jazz with James
SFE Brass are pleased to introduce this exciting series focusing on developing improvisation and jazz techniques. Whether...
Warm Up with the SFE Brass
SFE Brass are pleased to introduce this exciting series of warmups to help support your development in...
What do we mean by vulnerable children and what can we do to support them in our settings?
‘Vulnerable children’ is a term that you may hear often in any education setting and has been...
Advice For Schools
Reflecting on 20 Years in Education
How has education changed in the UK over the past 20+ years, and what are the biggest...
Advice For Schools Meet the Team
How the Challenges to Pupils Make PSHE and RSHE a Priority for Schools
How can teachers and leaders create PSHE and RSHE programmes that handle the ever-changing challenges in society...
Advice For Schools Safeguarding
“Contextual Safeguarding”
In this blog post Jo Perrin, Safeguarding Adviser at Services For Education will be looking at safeguarding...
SFE Brass Blab
SFE Brass are pleased to introduce this exciting series of interviews with stars from across the brass...
Advice For Schools News
Changes to Induction – Early Career Framework 2021 Updates
The Early Career Framework (ECF) 2021 update ensures early career teachers (ECTs) focus on learning the most...
Advice For Schools News
Essential Back-to-School Teacher Support and Guidance
Every academic year, there are many challenges to think about. Discover the latest updates and valuable teacher...
Advice For Schools
Future Forward
It only seems like yesterday when we reached the end of term and were reflecting on the most challenging year in the...
Advice For Schools News
DfE Issues the New Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021 Guidance
As we have become accustomed to each year, summer sees the arrival of the updated Keeping Children...
Advice For Schools Music
A Music Perspective on Developing Subject-Specific CPD Strategies
Teachers should always have access to high-quality and engaging Continuing Professional Development (CPD)/professional learning to enable them...
Advice For Schools
Why Your School Should Prioritise Training and CPD This Year
As we enter into the last half term of this year, we inevitably reflect on what has...
Music Success Stories
The show had to go on…
In normal times, our team of 250 people would have been teaching music to 38,000 Birmingham schoolchildren...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools Music
“Beautiful Tone, Beautiful Heart” – New Instructional Videos For String Players
“Beautiful tone, beautiful heart.” So said Sinichi Suzuki and we agree that finding and enjoying your own...
Advice For Parents Advice For Schools Music
SFE Summer Brass Academy Soloist Showcase
Welcome to our soloist showcase, which forms part of this year’s Summer Brass Academy! The performances have...
Advice For Schools Music
5 Reasons Why Music Should Be Important to Your School [VLOG]
At Services For Education, we know that music can be quite literally transformational for students, their families...