Author Archives: Jo Perrin

‘Adolescence’ The Netflix Series – What Does it Tell Us and How Can We Respond?

Education Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the new Netflix series ‘Adolecense’, delving into what it tells...

RSHE – What Has Happened to the Momentum for Change?

Towards the end of the previous government’s tenure, a draft version of updated R(S)HE guidance...

How to Request Information from a GP to Best Safeguard a Child

As a DSL, there’s nothing more frustrating than having that niggling feeling that something really...

So-called Conversion Therapy – what is it and what do we need to be aware of?

In recent years those in the children’s workforce have increased their knowledge and improved their...

Hurried Child Syndrome: If a child isn’t allowed to just be a child, is it a type of neglect?

In safeguarding circles we talk about many types of neglect that might impact a child’s...

More than just training delivery – how SFE collaborates with other agencies to aim to eradicate harmful practices

Sometimes people ask me “as an Education Adviser, apart from delivering training what else fills...

KCSiE 2024 – What Do You Need to Know?

Take a closer look at the 2024 updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE)...

“What is good enough today, might not be good enough tomorrow”: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement for Safeguarding.

Safeguarding Adviser Jo Perrin has written a blog for DSLs, DDSLs and SLT to really...

Young Carers in Schools – 6 Tips to Identify and Support Them

Young Carers don’t wear a badge to identify themselves – so how do we identify...

Safeguarding and Attendance Data – What Does New Research Tell Us?

You can’t seem to go a day without seeing an article in mainstream newspapers, not...

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