Author Archives: Lucie Welch

SFE Partners with CPOMS – Trusted Software Provider (Safeguarding, Wellbeing & Pastoral)

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. No matter the role you play in education, whether you’re at...

Why is Parent Communication and Collaboration Essential for Effective Safeguarding?

Parents play a vital role in protecting children, but without understanding the importance of collaboration...

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing as a Priority: What does this mean for schools and education settings?

We all know that for children to thrive, to reach their full potential, and be...

How Can We Keep Our Children Safe Over the Summer Holidays?

Six weeks is a long time to be away from school, not only from an...

SATs – A poem for the Year 6 Children Preparing to take the tests ❤️

With SATs week fast approaching, Safeguarding Adviser Lucie Welch has written a poem for the...

Supporting Children with a Parent in Prison

The National Information Centre of Children of Offenders (NICCO) estimate that 310,000 children every year...

Parental Separation and Divorce – How Can We Best Support Children at the Centre?

Safeguarding Adviser Lucie Welch discusses the impact parental separation and divorce can have on children,...

Child Abduction & Community Safety Incident – What Could They Look Like in Your Setting?

Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 mentions Child Abduction and Community Safety...

Addressing the Silent Crisis: Children Missing in Education

SFE Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses children missing in education and the safeguarding risks presented, whether...

Emotional Abuse – Supporting Victims and Spotting the Signs

Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses the signs of emotional abuse, the impacts, and how to...

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