Category Archives: News
SFE in the News – Listings
The work and achievements of Services For Education are frequently featured in the media. For...
SFE Partners with CPOMS – Trusted Software Provider (Safeguarding, Wellbeing & Pastoral)
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. No matter the role you play in education, whether you’re at...
SFE Secure £3,000 Unrestricted Donation from The Barratt Foundation
Back in September, our Fundraising Manager Sarah took a call from Amanda, the Community Champion...
What’s New? SFE Conferences & Spring Term Training Courses
Welcome Back! We hope you enjoyed a fantastic half-term and are ready for a successful...
New Chair of Trustees for Services For Education
The new Chair of Trustees at a Birmingham education charity has praised the organisation’s work...
More than just training delivery – how SFE collaborates with other agencies to aim to eradicate harmful practices
Sometimes people ask me “as an Education Adviser, apart from delivering training what else fills...
New Head of Music for Birmingham’s Music Service sings praises for city’s music education
A Specialist Leader of Education for Music and an Assistant Headteacher – who started his...
What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and our brand new Advantage Programme
Welcome Back! We hope you enjoyed a fantastic summer break and are ready for a...
Birmingham music teacher awarded top international honour for his contribution to Gospel music
A Birmingham music teacher, who has encouraged hundreds of young people to take up singing...
Charity celebrates music teaching leader who has helped thousands of children to enjoy playing music
Services For Education, the Birmingham charity responsible for Birmingham’s Music Service that teaches music each...