Category Archives: Advice For Schools

Striking the Right Note: Key Talking Points from Ofsted’s Music Subject Report

Helen Brookes provides a vital overview of the main points and thoughts of Ofsted’s music...

The Writing Learning Journey: Key Elements of an Effective Writing Curriculum

With writing being one of the most hard-hit areas post-pandemic, English Adviser, Emma Mudge, has...

The Reading Framework 2023 Summary

Discover the key points from the Department for Education (DfE) Reading Framework 2023 to ensure...

What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools

Welcome Back! We hope you had a wonderful summer and are raring to go for...

How to Make this Your Best Year for Safeguarding Yet

Safeguarding adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses how to hit the ground running this September with regards...

Supporting Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse

SFE Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses domestic abuse, its effects on children and how to...

Poverty or Neglect? Understanding The Signs

SFE Safeguarding Education Adviser, Lucie Welch, has created a free resource for schools discussing the...

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Updates

You’re likely aware that The Department For Education has recently released the draft of its...

Why is Music Important in Schools and What Can You Do to Prioritise it?

Discover why music education in schools is important under the National Plan for Music Education,...

Mental Health, Trauma and Toxic Stress – How Can We Support Our Children?

Education Adviser, Lucie Welch, shares the significant impact of trauma on children’s development and mental...

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