Category Archives: Advice For Schools

Improving Pupil Progress Using Assessment

With the evolution of digital learning and the ever-changing demands of the education system, discover...

Testing in a Testing Time

After two years with no testing for schools, there have been many changes following the...

FGM Education and Language Study For Secondary Schools – We Need Your Input

Services For Education are conducting a new study in partnership with University of Birmingham and...

Access Arrangements – Levelling the Playing Field

It is the responsibility of every School and college to ensure that all students have...

How Can Primary Schools Better Support Student Health?

Discover why improving health education in primary schools is important and some actionable tips to...

What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools

Welcome to the new academic year! At Services for Education, our School Support is growing,...

The Importance of Religious Education (RE) in a School’s Curriculum

Discover the new 2022/23 locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Birmingham and why it...

Why Teaching Resilience is Critical to Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools

Discover why building children’s resilience can play a crucial role in improving the state of...

Managing Anxiety in Children and Also Young People

Anxiety in children and young people is a growing concern for schools and colleges across...

5 Benefits of Digital Learning for Teachers

Digital learning is changing the way students learn and teachers teach. Discover why it is...

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