Category Archives: Advice For Schools

A Recovery Curriculum: Roadmap to Recovery

Publication of the Government roadmap for our journey out of lockdown gave a welcome sense...

7 Ways to Make the Most of Whole Class Instrumental Teaching in Your School

‘At the age of nine I was given the chance to learn to play the...

Re-imagining Disadvantage – Reflecting on the Past Year

Covid-19 has disrupted everything that we knew to be normal – the roll-out of the...

4 Safeguarding Updates You Need to Know About This January

Happy New Year. I know it has been a rocky start, but here’s hoping for...

5 Ways to Promote the Emotional Wellbeing of Your Staff in the EYFS

We know that ‘emotional wellbeing’ is at the forefront of our minds when working with...

8 Ways to Look After Yourself Over the Festive Period

I think it’s a pretty big understatement to say that 2020 didn’t turn out the...

7 Top Tips For Subject Leadership in Music

Music is one of the few subjects that combines the creative, physical, intellectual and emotional...

Getting On-Entry Assessment ‘Right’ in the EYFS

We know that getting assessment right in the EYFS is important, but it is so...

It’s Time for PSHE and RSE to Step into the Limelight…

For those of us working in the fields of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)...

SFE Guidance For Schools approved by the Public Health Department – Birmingham

Following the guidance released by the Department for Education, SFE have published our: SFE Guidance...

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