SFE Community Choirs

SFE’s Community Choirs: An End of Year Update

Our Hagley Road Village Community Choir has been running since November 2017, offering their residents weekly singing sessions. Over the years, the group has grown in numbers, with between 15-20 regular members singing their hearts out each week during term-time.

This year has been another busy, but fun year for the group, with new residents at the village meaning new members joining the choir. Increased numbers have given increased opportunities for voices and characters to shine, with some keen soloists emerging in the choir, or should we say, ‘Singing Group’, as they felt choir made them sound too formal!

Led by Choir Director Helen, this year has seen the group benefit from the addition of another SFE member of staff, Tahlia, accompanying them on the keyboard, and of course with the singing. From traditional hymns to country favourites and old school classics, the group happily take on any song Helen puts in front of them, singing with gusto.

As well as their weekly sessions, and to perform in front of a wider audience, the group have taken part in some wider events hosted at the village throughout the year such as their Spring Fayre, VJ Day and Christmas celebrations.

To mark the end of the year, and to help bring in the summer, the group hosted a karaoke style session, welcoming some of their village neighbours to join them for a singalong. Everyone had a wonderful afternoon with everyone enjoying singing some old favourites as well as some new ones they can add to their repertoire for next year. One of the highlights was hearing some of the other residents sing – there were some great voices and potential new members who we hope to see join the group again in September.

As well as being fun for members, the singing group offers a way to reduce isolation, make new friendships, build confidence and a sense of self-worth, in turn enhancing their physical and mental welfare. For many of the members, coming together in sessions are one of the highlights of their week.

Zane Lightfoot, Activities Co-Ordinator at Hagley Road Village helps faciliate the sessions each week and said:

“Our choir really is a special place for our residents. This club welcomes all singing abilities and it really is wonderful to see our residents look forward to their weekly class. The choir has put on a few special performances for the audience which has been a great rehearsal goal. Everyone has done so great in rehearsals and really take pride in their performance. It has formed some lovely relationships and is a positive place for all to gather at. Helen is a treasure to lead the choir. Our residents are very fond of Helen as she brings the fun into it all with her big smile and fun dancing-along. All at the same time as being very professional in what she does.”

Speaking of Helen, after enjoying a well earned summer break, she’ll be back with the group in September and is already looking forward to bringing new songs to the group as well as some collaborative singing opportunities.

Our Community Choir sessions cost around £6,000 a year to run and are only possible thanks to our fundraising efforts.

SFE Community Choir


If you would like to know more, and would like to support our amazing HRV Singing Group, please click here:

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