Services For Education Vocal Teacher Receives Polish Educational Authorities Medal

Services For Education received some fantastic news last week from Vocal Teacher, Joanna Kunda-jedynak.

Joanna was awarded a Polish Educational Authorities Medal for teachers, to recognise exceptional work and was invited to the Polish Embassy in London for a presentation.

Poland’s First Lady, Agata Duda, was in attendance.

9 other Polish teachers in the UK received the prestigious award and it is the highest award a Polish teacher can receive from the Polish Educational Authorities.

All recipients of the medal live and work in the UK, promote Polish culture and work with Polish children.

Joanna said: “10 years ago I set up a Polish choir in Coventry and our aim is to promote Polish culture, but not just amongst the Polish community but also to introduce Polish music to British audience.

What made it special for me, was a chance to meet Poland’s First Lady Agata Duda. She also is a teacher (teaching German in a secondary school in Krakow) and her speech was very personal and really moving. She came across both as a very approachable and inspiring person. Meeting her was a real honour for me.”

If you’d like to find out more about Services For Education’s music services in schools, you can do so here or feel free to email us at [email protected]

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