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Education training provider reports increase in demand for safeguarding support

A new national subscription-based safeguarding training service has been launched by Services For Education following an increase in demand for safeguarding support from the education and training charity.

The digital subscription-service enables schools throughout England to access a unique range of practical support on key topics in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE) including domestic abuse, female genital mutilation (FGM), ethical decision making in safeguarding, The Equality Act, serious case reviews and Prevent – to safeguard individuals from being drawn into terrorism.

A 12-month subscription will give schools unlimited access to training resources including live webinars, online training and a series of short, practical ‘how to’ video guides particularly aimed at new or existing Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs). These cover practice-based issues such as safer working practices, information sharing and working with safeguarding governors. High-level masterclasses will also respond to subscriber questions and new initiatives.

Services For Education already works with more than 1,200 senior safeguarding staff each year and the new digital service is expected to significantly increase that number. Annual subscription rates start at £350 plus VAT.

Andrew Cooper, Head of School Support at Services For Education, said the new service had been introduced following extensive research into the needs of schools, head teachers, DSLs and governors.

“Delivering safeguarding, especially for vulnerable children, has proved increasingly challenging to schools who have achieved great success in the face of adversity, but it is evident that many are seeking support.

“We saw a sharp increase in 2020 in demand for safeguarding training that we believe has been driven by the pandemic and especially the challenges that many schools are facing in supporting and safeguarding their students. The number of delegates attending webinars and live online events has increased 50% year-on-year.

“By introducing a new, competitively priced subscription model, we are able offer more schools greater access – when they want it. We have invested in the range of resources. There is already a full set of training videos and webinars and we will be introducing more resources in the coming months in response to changing and developing needs,” said Mr Cooper.

The training can be used for all staff including support and office staff – who can find themselves on the front-line but who have previously not had access to dedicated safeguarding training. In addition, advice is included for teaching staff on how aspects of safeguarding – such as FGM – can be incorporated into the curriculum.

Services For Education has provided safeguarding training for more than 20 years.

For more information: https://www.servicesforeducation.co.uk/safeguarding-subscription/

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