Exciting Opportunity for Primary Schools: Take Part in a 1stClass@Number Research Project

Our interventions team are delighted to be facilitating the intervention training for the further EEF evaluation of Edge Hill University’s mathematics intervention – 1stClass@Number1.

The randomised controlled trial of 1stClass@Number 1, which will be heavily subsidised by EEF, will target schools in Education Investment areas (EIA) and, wherever possible, with a high proportion of FSM children in Y1. However, schools outside the EIA with a high % FSM will be considered.

Schools/​settings can find out more and register their interest directly via Edge Hill’s website.

1stClass@Number 1 is a small-group intervention delivered by Teaching Assistants (TAs). It supports pupils struggling with numeracy in Year 2. It consists of around 30 half-hour lessons, delivered three times a week for 10 weeks in addition to normal mathematics instruction. Pupils involved in the intervention spend approximately 15 more hours on numeracy. The focus is on key aspects of number which can cause particular difficulties for children at this age.

TAs work from detailed lesson plans, which they can adapt based on what they learn from formative assessments. They help children to think and talk about their mathematics and develop metacognitive skills. The TAs receive one full day and four half-days of training during the programme. The training covers effective feedback and develops the TAs’ own understanding of mathematics. TAs are supported by a link teacher in their school, often the maths lead or a senior member of staff.

The link teacher also attends two half days of training. During implementation each school receives a support visit from a trainer.

All schools in the project will take part in the 1stClass@Number 1 intervention and receive the full Teaching Assistant 1stClass@Number 1 training and resources package. This will be provided at a reduced cost of £200 (usual cost is £1,100). The payment will include:

  • full training for the TA/Link Teacher from the school
  • an extensive ready made resource pack to support the lessons back in school together with the Sandwell Test to use in pupil selection and a separate baseline & endpoint test provided by the NFER
  • an essential visit to the school by the ECC Trainer to support delivery and management of 1stClass@Number 1.

All schools will:

  • be expected to complete pupil selection together with baseline and endpoint testing required by the NFER to assess programme impact
  • receive an incentive payment of £500 once all required data has been provided to the NFER

This really is a fantastic opportunity to take part in 1stClass@Number, a wonderful intervention which has already been evidenced by EEF, at a subsidised rate.

1stClass@Number has made a remarkable difference, not only for our pupils but also for our TAs. The high-quality training helped our TAs to become much more confident with mathematics – not just in delivering the intervention but also in supporting class mathematics teaching.

Jo Bland, Head of Academy, Boston Pioneers Free School Academy, Lincolnshire

For more information:

If you are not eligible for the trial, but are interested in our intervention programmes in Birmingham, please visit the dedicated page of our website, or email us at [email protected]

About the Author

Denise Harris - Adviser, Services For Education

Denise has enjoyed many years working as a qualified teacher in Birmingham. She has taught across the age range in schools, in an Education Action Zone, and in a Youth Offending Unit.  As a local authority primary numeracy consultant, she has supported many schools to effectively develop their maths provision, and this continues through her management of the very successful 'Every Child Counts' mathematics interventions, developed and supported by Edge Hill University, and which are proven to have a significant impact, not only on underachieving and SEND pupils, but also on teacher and teaching assistant subject and pedagogical knowledge, classroom and whole school practice.

Nowadays, Denise successfully delivers the primary statutory assessment contract for moderation and monitoring on behalf of Birmingham LA. She has been instrumental in effectively managing the changes over time to the statutory assessment processes but does not lose sight of the need for schools and teachers to make use of ongoing formative assessment strategies as part of the teaching and learning process to monitor pupil progress. In her statutory role, Denise works closely with other moderation managers both locally and nationally to ensure a consistent understanding of national guidance and related requirements. She recruits, trains, and accredits both KS1 and KS2 pool moderators and utilises her knowledge and understanding of these processes to ensure, through her training offer, that schools are equipped to fulfil their statutory duty confidently.

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