
Up to £800 Additional Funding to Help Support Staff Release Costs

We’re delighted to share that the Department for Education has updated the Targeted Support Fund offer for the 23/24 academic school year.  

For each teacher or leader you employ that takes an NPQ in this upcoming academic year, the following will be granted: 

  • State-funded primary schools with one to 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £800. 
  • State-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200. 
  • State-funded secondary schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings with one to 600 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200. 

Targeted support funding is not available for participants taking the EHCO (Early Headship Coaching Offer) unless they’re also taking another NPQ course.  

If you work in a school, you can search GIAS (Get Information About Schools) Database to check how many pupils are recorded for your school. 

If you work in a 16 to 19 education setting, you can check the List of Organisations eligible for the Targeted Support Fund in the 23/24 academic year. 

Our Head of School Support, Kirsty Jones, has praised SFE’s growing relationship with Best Practice Network: 

“SFE are delighted to be able to further develop our relationship with Best Practice Network (BPN) and extend our partnership training offer to include the fully funded, National Professional Qualifications.  

Over the last twelve months we have worked in partnership with BPN delivering the Early Careers Framework to those new to the teaching profession. Due to the success of this relationship and our commitment to support our teaching colleagues at all stages of their career, we now offer the golden thread of training.  

We are confident that BPN’s NPQs offer highly rewarding and challenging CPD for those aspiring to leadership or those who wish to develop their current leadership practice through a nationally accredited route.” 

Kirsty Jones, Head of School Support, SFE 

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