SFE Partner, JPF First Aid, Wins “Best First Aid Training Provider 2022 – West Midlands” Award

Please see our recent piece about JPF First Aid to see how we partner with them, and how you can benefit from that partnership.

It has recently been announced that JPF First Aid has won ‘Best First Aid Training Provider 2022 – West Midlands’ in the Education and Training Awards provided by Corporate Vision.

Despite the entries being open since the early part of the year it was about June/July time, where JPF First Aid was notified of being put forward towards an award and subsequently being considered.

JPF First Aid is delighted to have received this award in recognition for the hard work, dedication and commitment that is provided towards ensuring that all delegates receive high quality training, of which in turn supports businesses in meeting their obligations as an employer.

This also includes delegates from educational settings and meeting their requirements that is set by OFSTED and the Department for Education. Other courses provided have included Mental Health qualification courses and awareness sessions, as well as First Aid sessions being provided to pupils to equip them with these all-important life skills.

For more information about these awards please take a look at the following link: Education and Training Awards – Corporate Vision Magazine (corporatevision-news.com) on the Corporate Vision website.

To see the announcement and confirmation of JPF First Aid winning this award, this can be viewed by using this link below:

JPF First Aid (2022 Winner: Education and Training Awards) – Corporate Vision Magazine (corporatevision-news.com)

JPF First Aid looks forward to continuing to support their existing customers and business partners as well as welcoming new customers onboard who would like to be supported by an award-winning training provider.

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