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6 Fun Science Activities To Do With Kids In Birmingham

Searching for the perfect educational day out? Then look no further. Our list of family-friendly science activities in Birmingham is sure to keep both children and adults entertained.  

Now, one of the questions our science team get asked a lot by both teachers and parents is “how can we get more kids excited  about science.” 

And a lot of that is about how well it is taught at school… I can’t be the only one who remembers science lessons being delivered in a stale and monotonous manner back in the day? 

But a great way to boost interest quickly is to let children get hands on with a topic, engaging them so that they can have fun and learn at the same time. 

So this week, I’ve been pulling together a list of some of the family-friendly science activities Birmingham has to offer! Whether a parent or a teacher, I’m sure you’ll love some of these too. 

1. Birmingham Think Tank

I am sure this is hardly a surprise entry for those of you who are familiar with Birmingham. 

The award-wining science museum, filled with interactive exhibitions and events is unmissable. 

There are all sorts of fun things to explore including a Planetarium, Marine Worlds Gallery, Science and Industry Collection to get children (and adults) buzzing about science. 

Find out ticket prices and more information here. 

2. The Lapworth Museum of Geology

Who doesn’t love a good old dinosaur? The University of Birmingham’s geological exploration is unique and guaranteed to impress. And it’s free! 

“From rocks and fossils to volcanoes, earthquakes, and even dinosaurs, the Museum captures the imagination of all ages.” 

Find out more here. 

3. The Botanical Gardens

This is the perfect place to go if plant science is on the agenda, hosting Tropical, Subtropical, Mediterranean and Arid houses with over 7,000 different plants to discover. 

Plus, they offer a range of packages for nurseries, primary or secondary schools with curriculum-linked teaching sessions included. 

Find out more here. 

4. The National Space Centre – Leicester

Do you have any budding astronauts in your midst? Check out the National Space Centre. 

Albeit not in the centre of Birmingham, Leicester is just one small journey away and it’s definitely worth the travel. 

They have plenty of interactive galleries, boast the UK’s largest planetarium and will provide an “out of this world experience” for children and adults alike. 

And while you’re there, why not check out their ‘Mission Moon’ talks to learn about NASA’s Artemis missions – running from the 1st – 16th of April.  

Find out more here. 

5. The Big Bang Fair

If you move quickly, you might be able to grab yourself some tickets to the fun and completely free Big Bang Fairat the NEC. 

Running from the 21st – 23rd June 2023, the event hosts workshops, exhibitions and shows about all sorts of topics including all areas of science and engineering. 

Children will be shocked and inspired by supercomputers, virtual reality, (safe) chemical reactions, robot wars, 3D printers, and they’ll get an opportunity to invent for themselves. 

Check it out here. 

6. Open Learn Science Courses

If you’re looking for something a little less strenuous to put together, it is worth having a look at the free online courses put on by Open Learn. 

Aimed at adults and older children, the science modules available cover a range of standard, weird and wonderful topics. 

Here are some examples: Practising Science: Reading the rocks and ecology, Particle physics and Moons of our Solar System. 

For those who are really interested in science, this is an absolute goldmine of information. 

Well worth a look. 


Birmingham is absolutely filled with opportunities to keep getting excited about Science – we haven’t even mentioned the vast number of natural habitats across the area. 

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment in the box below, we’d love to hear from you. 

Finally, if you’d like any more information or advice about teaching science in schools or science workshops please feel free to contact us at [email protected] 

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