The Writing Learning Journey

The Writing Learning Journey

With our upcoming Online Writing Conference on the horizon and writing still struggling to attain pre-pandemic KS2 attainment (72% in 2024 and 78% in 2019), our English Adviser Emma Mudge has been investigating into what the defining elements of an effective writing curriculum in primary schools are and how we can support pupils to reach their potential.

A Consistent Pedagogical Approach With Your Writing Learning Journey 

There are a variety of different approaches to the teaching of writing, however, both the National Curriculum and Ofsted are clear about the expectation of the implementation of a ‘process’ writing approach, i.e. Plan – Draft – Revise & Edit – Share. Ultimately, a process writing approach is a collaborative, workshop-style approach, which puts the act of writing at its heart.

There is encouragement of discussion and co-operative development allowing learning not just from examples and specific teacher-led instruction, but also from modelling, trial and error techniques and peer conversations. However, we must not forget the other key elements of writing as Ofsted state in their English Subject Review (July 2022) a process approach is not sufficient on its own, has a limited impact and should be used alongside other approaches.”  So, what might these other approaches constitute?

When looking at the main approaches to teaching writing, we can consider that understanding the different features in specific genres, writing for purpose and ensuring that our writing communicates our meaning effectively, can equally be viewed as critical elements. We therefore must ensure that our writing curriculum builds these features in as writing knowledge, whist our pedagogical approach to writing follows the process approach consistently throughout the school.  

A Progressive Writing Curriculum 

When teaching writing in a primary school, we need to be mindful that our pupils will have very different needs. EYFS and KS1 need to focus upon the physicality of writing and the transcription knowledge and skills i.e. handwriting, spelling, basic punctuation and grammar, and sentence construction.

This however, does not detract from the process writing approach. On the contrary, once sentences have been dictated, drafting and editing can focus more upon the taught letter formations and other SPAG elements, whilst the more compositional skills will be collaborative, class-based discussions.

In their recent report, Ofsted identified that “schools do not use dictation regularly as a way of practising transcription without overloading pupils’ working memory”  (Telling The Story, 2024).  In KS1, there is an expectation of writing being produced through discussion, ensuring that the pupil’s cognitive load is reduced and allowing them to focus upon their basic transcription.

If the fundamental knowledge of spelling patterns and punctuation is not prioritised in KS1, then these will continually re-emerge as issues throughout KS2. 

Assuming that these elements are prioritised in KS1, then the KS2 writing curriculum can begin to move the compositional knowledge and skills more into the pupil’s control. By Year 3 and 4 it is expected that pupils are not so distracted by basic transcription efforts, which in turn allows them to consider language and vocabulary choices, layout and levels of formality – all of which enhances their own quality of writing.

Of course, throughout KS2, more complex grammar and punctuation must also be introduced. This must be carefully planned, ensuring that these elements are revisited in a variety of contexts, allowing children to master these tools and enabling them to use these effectively and independently. 

A carefully planned spiral, progressive curriculum is critical in the development and mastery of writing skills and knowledge. The curriculum should ensure that pupils have opportunities to write for a variety of different purposes, in different styles and different contexts, adapting their language and style appropriately. 

How The Reading And Spoken Language Curriculums Affect Writing 


“Reading is like breathing in; writing is like breathing out”  (Pam Allyn, 2018).

We know, instinctively, that reading is connected to writing, but how can we use this to our greatest advantage? Ultimately, the careful selection of high-quality texts from a variety of authors and in a range of genres will naturally influence a child’s tone, expression and style of writing, but there are other uses for these texts. Deborah Myhill (one of our guest speakers at our up-and-coming Writing Conference) identifies in her article ‘Grammar Re-imagined: Foregrounding Understanding of Language Choice in Writing’, (2021) the importance of teaching grammar through contextual examples, and there is a growing voice across English educationalists who agree with her.

Simply put, teaching grammar through contextual examples rather than discrete lessons is a far more effective approach. We therefore need to use our texts to demonstrate how authors use the grammatical devices, sentence structures or punctuation features that we are teaching – and then discuss why. Through deepening the understanding of how and why we choose specific language structures, children are far more likely to use them, and then use them effectively.  

Good quality texts provide a jumping-off board for teachers to inspire their pupils, as well as a plethora of examples of vocabulary, figurative language, grammatical features, author voice etc, and so these must be utilised. 

Spoken Language 

Oracy has been identified by the National Curriculum and by Ofsted, as a core and necessary vehicle for teaching writing. Writing is a way of communicating, and if language and vocabulary is not modelled and practiced through reading and speech, then it will not be written down. As educationalists then, it is our duty to design formal and informal opportunities for pupils to practice verbal communication.  

When considering informal opportunities, we need to think about the interactions that adults have with children throughout the day – we may consider the questions asked, how we summarise what a pupil has said, our own grammar and the sentence stems which we provide pupils with. When considering informal talk, teachers also need to consider their in-lesson peer discussions – is there room for paired talk, sharing, discussion, group roles etc?  

With regards to the links with our writing curriculum, school leaders also need an acute awareness of their spoken language curriculum and how teachers are trained to implement this effectively, as well as how it dove-tails with the writing curriculum, for example – drama, presentations and debates. How can we possibly expect children to use effective language to describe a character when they haven’t considered how they walk, talk or how they might react in a situation?

Oral composition is also a useful and necessary tool to enable to pupils to develop and practice sentence construction, and yet Ofsted found that oral composition “appears to be undervalued as a process” (Telling the Story, 2024).  If your spoken language curriculum is not robust, then getting your Year 6’s to write well will become a tick-box affair, rather than children who can independently and confidently write effectively. 

In Conclusion… 

To improve the standard of writing which our pupils produce, as school leaders we need to ensure that we prioritise:  

  • A consistent pedagogical approach to the teaching of writing 
  • A progressive, spiral writing curriculum 
  • A writing curriculum which is under-pinned by good-quality texts and a considered approach to the teaching of spoken language 
  • High quality and inspiring teaching 

At Services For Education, we provide a range of courses and consultation services which can support with the development and understanding of your writing provision, with new courses being added to the website regularly: 

  • Our Exciting Online Primary Writing Conference! Join us for a full day of listening to our subject experts discuss, review and present key aspects of understanding for the implementation of your writing curriculum. 
  • A consultancy and/or audit service led by our English Adviser (an experienced KS2 writing moderator), enabling your school to improve writing provision through: accurate assessment, the development a writing curriculum to best suit your specific needs, an audit of current writing provision, staff training, English Leader support: primary-english-consultancy | Services For Education | Birmingham.
  • View our variety of courses aimed at supporting the teaching of writing within primary schools here.

Further Reading  

D Myhill, 2021, ‘Grammar re-imagined: foregrounding understanding of language choice in writing’: 

English National Curriculum (KS1 & 2): 

Ofsted, 2022, ‘Research and Review Series: English’:  Research review series: English – GOV.UK ( 

Ofsted, 2024, ‘Telling The Story: The English Education Subject Report’:  Telling the story: the English education subject report – GOV.UK ( 

Oracy APPG, April 2021 ‘Speak For Change: Final report and recommendations from the Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Group Inquiry’: Oracy_APPG_FinalReport_28_04-4.pdf (

About the author

Emma Mudge - Adviser, Services For Education

Emma has over 20 years of experience working in primary education. Throughout this time, she worked as a leader in a wide variety of areas, and as Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, and Acting Head Teacher, she has been at the forefront of school leadership and improvement for a significant number of years.  

Emma now works as the Educational Adviser for English and is also a member of the Safeguarding team, sharing her experience and knowledge to continually promote and improve the quality of safeguarding, the standard of teaching and learning in English, and in school improvement overall. Supporting schools with the accuracy of their KS1 and KS2 writing assessments is an important part of her role as she can use her expertise as a member for the moderation team to inform, train and support teachers and school leaders. 

Emma is also part of the team which delivers the Health For Life programme (improving the healthy opportunities for primary aged children) and the NPQSL, where she proudly supports the development of our aspiring leaders in the city. 

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