Tag Archives: Safeguarding

The New Draft RSHE Statutory Guidance – What are the likely implications for your School Curriculum and Pupils?

Have you ever waited patiently for a Christmas or birthday gift, and despite the fact...

Supporting Children with a Parent in Prison

The National Information Centre of Children of Offenders (NICCO) estimate that 310,000 children every year...

Safeguarding and Attendance Data – What Does New Research Tell Us?

You can’t seem to go a day without seeing an article in mainstream newspapers, not...

Parental Separation and Divorce – How Can We Best Support Children at the Centre?

Safeguarding Adviser Lucie Welch discusses the impact parental separation and divorce can have on children,...

Child Abduction & Community Safety Incident – What Could They Look Like in Your Setting?

Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 mentions Child Abduction and Community Safety...

Safeguarding Issues in the News – Channel 4’s ‘I am Andrew Tate’ and How it Relates to Your Setting

Both teachers and students will likely have heard of Andrew Tate, along with his rise...

Tricky Safeguarding Topics and How to Tackle Them

Even as a DSL, it’s ok to admit that there are topics we don’t feel...

Emotional Abuse – Supporting Victims and Spotting the Signs

Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses the signs of emotional abuse, the impacts, and how to...

Forced Marriage: Spotting The Signs

Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the changes in law regarding marriage in the UK, providing...

Updates to Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook

Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, Provides an Overview of the Key Changes to the School Inspections...

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