What’s New? Autumn Term Training Courses and CPD For Schools

Welcome to the new academic year!

At Services for Education, our School Support is growing, and we have welcomed two new Advisers and have a whole host of NEW and exciting courses planned for the Autumn Term.

With courses covering EYFS, History, Science and Emotional Health and Wellbeing and so many more, click the links below to find out more or to book your place!

An Introduction to Supervision for Safeguarding

Effective supervision allows staff to develop their skills and understanding around the risks and difficulties involved when working in safeguarding and child protection.

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Deep Diving into RE

This course will support you to prepare for a Deep Dive in line with the intent of the 2022 Birmingham Agreed Syllabus; to look at the successful implementation of the Agreed Syllabus, and to support you to judge the impact of the RE delivered in your school.

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Developing the Joy of Reading at KS2 – practical ideas and strategies


This online course looks to provide a wealth of approaches and practical strategies which you will be able to easily implement in your own school and support you with developing this key element of the KS2 English curriculum.

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English Leaders: Support, Scaffolding and Development (Termly Meetings)


This course has been designed as a useful way for leaders of English to ensure that they are at the forefront of their field, and to provide a platform for professional dialogue and a sharing of approaches.

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EYFS – Updates within the Early Years Sector


These half-day sessions enable Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) leaders and practitioners to discuss updates, practice and provision within the sector, covering a range of topics such as assessment, curriculum, inspection and pedagogy.

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New Image to be used 3
Little girl doing science lesson with test tubes and teacher. Representing Preparing for Statutory Assessment at the End of KS1 for Science

How Practical are your Practicals?

This course will explore ways in which the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategy can be adopted for practical work to provide the cognitive challenge of linking observables to ideas.

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New to English Leadership


This introductory course will equip new and recently appointed English leaders with a secure knowledge of the varying aspects of their role, including Ofsted requirements and expectations, and will support them in becoming a confident, knowledgeable and inspirational English leader.

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Trauma Secondary

Supporting Emotional Health & Wellbeing in Secondary Schools


This course will provide an opportunity for delegates to share best practice and strategies they may have in place which have proved effective.

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Understanding and responding to Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence in Secondary schools


This course aims to give a greater understanding into “Harmful Sexual Behaviour”, how it can be challenged, what responses should be given and how schools can an embed a culture that raises awareness of, minimises, or even eradicates the prevalence of this.

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Monitoring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Pupil Premium Grant

Writing at KS2 – Increasing Greater Depth Attainment


The training looks at developing and creating a progressive spiral curriculum, with the elements of English being interwoven together throughout, allowing learning to be built upon prior knowledge and to develop opportunities for those pupils who may reach the higher standard, to practise these skills.

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If you don’t see anything here that takes your fancy, don’t worry, we still have a huge variety of courses, covering curriculum planning, safeguarding, assessment and more. Check out all of our courses here.

Or if you would prefer some more personalised, focused training for your setting, please see our Bespoke Training page for further information.

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