Contact Your Forum Reps Anonymously

The forum has been set up so that Services For Education staff, as a community, have an opportunity to bring comments, compliments or concerns to the attention of the leadership team, in a bid to improve the business.  

If you would like us to bring something to the next forum meeting, please complete the form below. If you would like a direct response, please include your email address. Only the forum representatives (listed below) will have access to your comments.

recent Forum minutes and upcoming agendas

Forum Agenda Items – TBC

Fill in the form if there’s something you’d like to see on the agenda for our next forum meeting in April.

who are your forum reps?

If you’d prefer to contact someone directly, feel free to email the forum reps using the links below. You don’t have to contact the rep attributed to your team, it’s up to you who you feel comfortable getting in touch with.

Denise Harris - Services For Education - School Support and Teacher Training

Denise harris
school support adviser - central teams

Email Denise

debbie checkley
operations officer - central teams

Email Debbie


edward smith
job title - music

Email Edward


tim baptiste
job title - music

Email Tim


harriet davies
digital marketing manager - central teams

Email Harriet


alan gifford
job title - music

Email Alan


Gurdeep Singh-Dharni
job title - music

Email Gurdeep


Linda brown
school support adviser - central teams

Email Linda


frequently asked questions

The only people who have access to the Forum inbox and comments sent using the form above are your forum representatives. Your identity will never be revealed to anyone unless you specifically ask for a personal response from someone other than the forum representatives. You can fill out the form above anonymously, if you do not wish to share your identity with us.

Lindsay Allen (HR) and Sarah Marshall (Shared Services) share notetaking responsibilities during the forum meeting. The notes are subsequently circulated to forum representatives so that they can check and confirm that they are an accurate and comprehensive reflection of what was discussed during the forum meeting.

Agendas are led by the Forum Representatives and vary depending on what is happening within the business and what comments we have received – we need your help to use the forum effectively so we can make a difference.

This includes ideas, suggestions and proposals as to how the organisation can improve the way in which it operates.

During these meetings information will also be provided by management representatives about matters such as the organisation’s general progress and profitability, structural changes that might affect employees and management decisions likely to lead to changes in work organisation.

Please see our Information and Communication Policy for full details.

Confidential and personal issues will not be discussed at the staff forum. Such issues should be raised with a Line Manager or escalated with HR.

Any of us!

You don’t have to contact the representative attributed to your team, it’s up to you who you feel comfortable getting in touch with.

Yes, if you would prefer, please feel free to call or approach a forum representative, rather than emailing or filling in the form.

Page Last Modified:  13/11/2024 00:00