Your curriculum defines your school – you must own it, sculpt it and celebrate it.
Does your curriculum demonstrate the unique characteristics of your school – who you are, what you do and why?
From September 2019, under the new Education Inspection Framework, there is a requirement that schools communicate their curriculum intent, and create and deliver a strategy for successful implementation, generating a cohesive curriculum that builds on prior learning, deepens knowledge and results in the very best outcomes for all pupils.
In order to support schools, we are delighted to share with you our curriculum pathway, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge to review revise and evaluate your provision.
The role of the Subject Leader in Primary schools will assume far greater significance from September 2019, with the expectation that they are able to articulate their rationale, aims and ambitions for their subjects, as well as understanding its links with other subject areas.
Embedded within this is the expectation that subject leaders are able to confidently undertake a prominent role in the internal and external monitoring and evaluation of their subject.
Are your subject leaders experts in their area? What support do they require to be able to guide staff to high-quality outcomes for pupils within a cohesive and carefully sequenced curriculum? Are they skilled in offering post-observation feedback and identifying areas for development?
From September 2019, under the new Education Inspection Framework, there is an expectation that subject leaders are true experts within their area, understanding the ‘discipline’ of their subject and the principles for long-term learning which underpin this.
Our subject leadership offer is aimed at developing the generic knowledge, skills and understanding needed for successful subject leadership, including:
- Revisiting the National Curriculum – aims, purpose and Programme of Study
- Examining subject integrity, and how this can be promoted within a busy school curriculum
- Considering the role of memory for long-term learning in developing a clearly sequenced curriculum
- The critical role of the expert subject leader
- Developing confidence and presence as a subject leader.
At Services for Education, we recognise that schools are all at different stages in their journey towards curriculum excellence.
By examining the highest- quality research, we have synthesised the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that school leaders need in order to ensure that they are confident and ready for the challenge and opportunities that lie ahead.
“Highly recommend the Intent, Implementation and Impact course. I recently attended the Curriculum: Intent, Implementation, Impact course led by Linda Brown and Tricia Bunn. It was incredible! I came away from the course feeling inspired and with renewed confidence. Highly recommend the course for those interested in curriculum development :)” Down Inacapulco
Free Curriculum Development Webinar and Resources
Does your curriculum demonstrate the unique characteristics of your school – who you are, what you do and why?
Join us for our short, free webinar which will help you navigate aspects of the new inspection framework including intent, implementation and impact.

For more information contact us here or call us on 0121 366 9950.