2019 Award Winners Excellence In Training and Education
online governor training
Growth and development of governors, especially those new to role is imperative, and the new inspection framework poses challenges for many governing bodies. In order to provide the key knowledge and skills needed for effective governance, Services for Education offers a range of professional development to enable this. Our webinars offer flexibility in terms of course access, and accompanying workbooks provide a valuable reference point long after the training itself.
Services for Educations provides extensive leadership and management support, and ‘Face to Face’ training can be tailor-made to suit schools’ individual needs; please make contact to discuss your specific requirements.
Our most popular training relates to preparing for inspection, including the Quality of Education, understanding the pupil premium grant, understanding and interrogating data and safeguarding for governors.
At Services For Education we also provide bespoke leadership and management sessions for governors. If you would like to find out more please email us at hello@servicesforeducation.co.uk
Linda qualified with a Bachelor of Education (Honours), and began her teaching career in the West Midlands. During this time, she gained further qualifications, including NPQH, and worked in six socially and economically diverse schools, including an acting Headship in a large 3 form entry primary, and a substantive Headship for seven years.
Following headship, she set up her own consultancy and undertook extensive school improvement work, ranging from work with newly qualified teachers to support for senior leadership teams and governors.
Linda joined Services For Education as a Senior Adviser where her role is primarily focused upon developing leaders, including those who have recently transitioned to Headship.
School Improvement activity, leading governor training on behalf of BCC and being a School Improvement Adviser also form part of her senior role at Services For Education.
More recently, Linda attained Fellowship of the Institute of Leadership and Management.
Award Winning Team:
Services For Education have won numerous awards including the Birmingham Awards Contribution to Education 2018 and the Chambers Excellence in Training and Education.
Experienced Team:
The majority of our team have held senior leadership positions at schools. We have two ex-headteachers within the team (with inspection experience) and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.Â
Trusted Training Provider:
We are the go-to school support service in the West Midlands having worked with over 5,000 professionals across over 520 schools in the area.