At Services For Education, we provide a wide variety of specialist online safeguarding courses to suit all job roles that involve both working directly with children and working in a child-based setting. Our courses cater from whole staff general safeguarding training to focused information and guidance on specific safeguarding issues such as CSE, FGM, safer recruitment or sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Leadership and Development
One Day Designated Safeguarding Lead/Officer course and Arts Networking Event
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Multiple DatesNext: 19/05/2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Supporting Self-Regulation for children who have experienced Trauma & ACEs – (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 23/05/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Headteachers and Nominated Governors (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 02/05/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 24/03/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 25/06/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 04/03/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 03/04/2025
Leadership and Development
Safeguarding Webinar for Governors, Heads and Proprietors [Pre-Recorded Webinar]