What gives us an edge over other training providers, is that we have all been DSLs before. We know what it’s like to be a DSL in a school and we have tailored our courses to meet the needs of current DSLs and school leaders.
*Up and coming safeguarding courses*
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 03/04/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 09/04/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 05/06/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 25/06/2025
all safeguarding courses
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 03/04/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 09/04/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Headteachers and Nominated Governors (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 02/05/2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Multiple DatesNext: 19/05/2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Supporting Self-Regulation for children who have experienced Trauma & ACEs – (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 23/05/2025
Safeguarding and Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads – Two Day Course (Online)
Multiple DatesNext: 05/06/2025
Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection (Centre-Based)
Multiple DatesNext: 25/06/2025
Leadership and Development
One Day Designated Safeguarding Lead/Officer course and Arts Networking Event
Leadership and Development
Safeguarding Webinar for Governors, Heads and Proprietors [Pre-Recorded Webinar]
can't find what you're looking for?
Our expert advisers can provide in-school visits to deliver sessions on any specific safeguarding issues that are relevant to your setting. We also offer consultancy and a detailed safeguarding audit.
We will work with you to understand your exact requirements.
Get in touch with us today if you’d like to discuss bespoke Safeguarding training for your school.
find out more
At Services For Education, the expertise of our safeguarding team allows us to a wide variety of specialist safeguarding courses to suit all job roles that involve both working directly with children and working in a child-based setting. Our courses cater from whole staff general safeguarding training, to courses required by statutory guidance such as DSL courses and Safer Recruitment, to focused information and guidance on specific safeguarding issues such as CSE, FGM, safer recruitment or sexual violence and sexual harassment. We offer a mix of online and face to face sessions to suit all needs. We also have a regularly updated online safeguarding subscription, containing training webinars, blogs and resources providing clear, concise and up-to-date guidance in the field of safeguarding.
To discover more information about safeguarding services we offer, click on the relevant tiles below, contact us here or call us on 0121 366 9950.
“By coming on these courses, you can rest assured that your staff will be trained to their jobs effectively, to do all that they can to keep your children safe from harm.”
Jo Perrin – Services For Education
“Due to the nature of the materials the course was very intense, however the presenters were very knowledgeable and took their time to fully explain and answer questions thoroughly.
The course materials were very detailed and concise and I am sure will be invaluable as I start this journey into an area that is completely alien. It was great to go over specific examples and talk through the best way to approach the concerns.”
Nazreen Malik – Hodge Hill Girls’ School – Birmingham Assistant Head
Services For Education is an experienced provider of certificated education safeguarding training, working with over 1100 delegates each year. Our training is linked in to national and local policy and practice and we are experts by experience as all of our experienced advisors are former DSLs themselves. They are also members of several inter-agency strategic groups including SGIE (safeguarding and education sub group of Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership), BAFGM (Birmingham against female genital mutilation). Everyone attending our main courses has access to a copy of our comprehensive safeguarding handbook and additional resources.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 is clear that all governors should receive safeguarding training on induction. This course covers how to develop a successful strategic oversight of safeguarding practices in your setting, looking at statutory requirements and also discusses best practice in creating a culture and ethos with safeguarding at its heart. Our DSL training is linked in to national and local policy and practice and we are experts by experience as all of our experienced advisors are former DSLs themselves.
This podcast is aimed at new Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), providing a wide range of advice and good practice about the role.
For more podcasts, webinars and online courses covering a range of different topics please visit our Digital Resources page, here.
As a Designated Safeguarding Lead, you are responsible for ensuring that safeguarding policies and procedures within your school are followed.
Safeguarding is unequivocally one of the most important aspects of ensuring the safety of those within your setting - whether that be children, adults, or vulnerable adults.
KCSIE 2024 says all staff should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated … at least annually.
In addition, all staff should receive safeguarding and child protection updates (via staff meetings, e-bulletins).
The world of safeguarding is fast-changing, and guidance is frequently updated to ensure the continued safety of those within your setting.
✔️ One quick-fire safeguarding tip, hint or fact for you to digest quickly, to provoke reflection and discussion on a featured topic.