Venue staff that work around children and young people have a responsibility to help keep them safe from harm.

When people are attending an event, they are there to have a good time. However, this can make visitors susceptible to challenging situations and inappropriate behaviour.

Safeguarding protocols have been outlined to ensure all venue staff know how to identify any issues that could compromise an individual’s safety and create a positive environment for any visitors and staff.

At Services For Education, we offer high-quality safeguarding training courses for venue staff and a range of resources. For more information, contact our team today.

If There Are Children, Do I Need a Safeguarding Course?

Whether you are directly child-facing or not, it is vitally important that all venue staff complete all safeguarding training. It will enable:

  • Individuals to identify any early signs of harm, abuse and neglect
  • Organisations to establish complete policies and procedures
  • Venue staff to become fully competent in how to recognise, deal with, and report concerns before they escalate

What is the Safeguarding Policy?

The safeguarding policy has a structure of legislation, guidance, and practice to monitor, protect and prevent any child from abuse.

Safeguarding for children ensures you:

  • Protect children from abuse and neglect
  • Stop any harm to a child’s health and development
  • Deliver a safe and comfortable environment for children
  • Promote the welfare and wellbeing of all children from all walks of life

Any venue responsible for the safeguarding of children must establish official policies and procedures that coincide with the six principles to safeguarding incorporated in the Care Act of 2014:

  • Accountability
  • Empowerment
  • Partnership
  • Prevention
  • Proportionality
  • Protection

What Course Do I Need to Take?

To keep up to date with current safeguarding policies, get in touch with us today.

Call us on 0121 366 9950


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Page Last Modified:  28/02/2022 16:30